All one needs to do is say the word "funeral" and an image will come to mind of what a funeral looks like. This mental image comes from many sources: the geographical place, culture and society in which we live; our faith; our life experience. A funeral service for one person will be very different than that of another based on these influences; there are even significant differences between the funerals held in ethnically and/or geographically diverse regions of North America, and even closer to home, here in Manitoba.
Yet, despite the differences, these funeral services have much in common. We invite you to read further to learn the really simple answer to the question "what is a funeral?" Should you have questions about what you read here, we encourage you to call us at 204-727-0330.
No matter where it's held, a funeral is a structured ceremony, with a beginning, middle and end. Each is intended to engage the living participants in activities which will transform their status within the community, and provide mourners with a collective grieving experience. It's a socially-acceptable way for members of a community to re-affirm and express their social attachments.
Anthropologists label a funeral as a rite of passage, which affects everyone involved–including the deceased. His or her social status changes dramatically, from a living contributing member of the community to one whose contributions are in the past, and relegated to memory. But the status of each of the survivors– the immediate family most especially– has also changed. In fact, the funeral service can be the start of a defined period of mourning for bereaved family members, marking this transition in a uniquely identifiable way.
It could be said then, the focus of a funeral - no matter where, no matter when - lies in acknowledging change. And without doubt, human beings (as individuals and as a community) have trouble dealing with profound changes like the death of an integral member of the group. When you take this perspective, it becomes easier to understand the importance of ceremonially acknowledging the tear in the social fabric and the symbolic restoration of its integrity.
For families and individuals living in Brandon and our surrounding area, a funeral service can mean many things. Memories Chapel is pleased to be able to offer services to people from all walks of life including your individual beliefs and faiths. We are well-versed and knowledgeable of most faiths and their funeral customs and rituals. In addition, for those who choose, we can offer suggestions to honour your loved one in a contemporary setting in a unique and memorable way.
Please contact us should you have any questions or concerns or to discuss how we can help you and your family either at the time of a death or if you are pre-planning.
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